pátek 22. února 2008

Sociology and Movie

Project – Sociology and Movie

Construction of identity in movies from sociological point of view.
Twelve seminars, each one in Czech and in English, with movie projections and discussions.

Main Goal

The focus of the project is to show the connection between social theories and empiric reality (society) through problematization of identity in movies. Project will help foreign students to integrate into academic environment of FSS.


- 12 seminars with readings (each one in Czech and English), movie projection and discussion
- Book – compilation of readings
- open the question of identity (from sociological point of view)
- show causation between reality (empiric) and sociological theories
- show possibilities of sociological theories to explain social phenomena through movie
- help sociology students to realize theory/empiric reality connection by particular movies examples
- give possibility to foreign and Czech students to have more developing relationships
- improve professional skills of authors of the project

We are going to use a movie as a representation of social issues. We think movies show “ideal type” of any social phenomenon, which should help attendant students to realize causality between social reality and sociological theories. Movie sessions will be a place to discuss sociological problems and give possibilities to foreign students to have frequent meetings and developing relationships with Czech students. These non-official and friendly meetings (movie sessions) should help both foreign and Czech students to exchange their ideas and different cultural experiences. Also, it will be a good way to represent our faculty (FSS) to public. The sessions will be free of charge.

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