pondělí 3. března 2008

Durkheim - Hand out for I. lesson

Durkheim and Hero (movie)

We will talk mainly about social solidarity and crime according Durkheim.

Mechanical Solidarity - Social cohesion based upon the likeness and similarities among individuals in a society, and largely dependent on common routines.

An act is criminal when it offends strong and defined states of the conscience collective. We must not say that an action shocks the conscience collective, but rather that it is criminal because it shocks the conscience collective. So, a sentiment, whatever its origin and end, is found in all minds with a certain degree of strength and clarity, and every action which violates it is a crime. (pp 123-124 Giddens)

The sentiments are strong because they are unquestioned. It is the fact that they are universally respected which gives them the specific respect which they are accorded. (p 127)

Crime is possible only if this respect is not truly universal; consequently, it implies that they are not absolutely collective. But since it is the conscience collective which is attacked, it must be that which resists, and accordingly the resistance must be collective. Otherwise manifest what they share common would be permanently shaken. (pp 127-128) That is happening exactly in the movie

So, that’s why not only are all the members of the group individually attracted to one another because they resemble one-another, but also because they joined to that which is the condition of existence of this collective type: that is to say, to the society that they form by their union. Not only do citizens love each other and seek each other out in reference to strangers but they love their country. (p128)

As a conclusion - crime consisted essentially in an act contrary to strong and defined states of the conscience collective. (p128)

Altruistic suicide is a result of too much integration. It occurred at the opposite end of the integration scale as egoistic suicide. Self sacrifice is the defining trait, where individuals are so integrated into social groups that they lost sight of their individuality and became willing to sacrifice themselves to the group's interests, even if that sacrifice is their own life.


Giddens, Anthony. 1998. Emile Durkheim: Selected Writings. London: Cambridge University Press.

3 komentáře:

Unknown řekl(a)...

Dobrý deň,
chcela by som Vám poskytnúť spatnú reakciu na prvé premietanie!
Myslím si, že to bol slušný a príjemný začiatok;)
I ja študujem sociológiu a viem, že ak sa snažíte vysvetliť nejakú teóriu "jazykom normálnych ľudí", je to náročná úloha, lebo prirodzene máte sklon hovoriť v socilogickom jazyku. Ja osobne som mala pocit, že možno divákom nebolo pri prednáške úplne jasné, o čo sa jedná. Alebo inak povedané,nie som si istá, či si dokázali aplikovať teóriu na film Hero. Ja osobne by som preto odporučila, poskytnúť divákom i krátky prednes po premietaní, kde by ste im ešte uázali, ako bola teória, ktorá sa vzťahuje k film, priamo vo filme aplikovaná, čo boli typické príklady toho, o čom ste hovorili. Možno by to bol i dobrý krok, ako podporiť rozpútanie debaty po filme, pretože mnohí aj keď možno mali otázku sa ostýchali alebo presne nevedeli, ako sa spýtať.
Zároveň veľmi odceňujem váš priateľský prístup, vtipné komentáre, veľa úsmevov a i to, že ste úplne v pohode ukázali, že sú to vaše začiatky, nenechali sa vyviesť z rovnováhy, ak boli nejaké technické problémy.
Želám veľa úspechov, už to bude len lepšie a lepšie ;-)
S pozdravom,
Kristína Vanková

Petr Sič řekl(a)...

Děkujeme za zpětnou vazbu. Ještě pořád nad tím pracujeme a snažíme se zlepšovat. Takže to nejspíš upravíme :) vámi navrhovaným směrem

Mamia Berdzenishvili řekl(a)...

Thank you ,we appreciate your comments and advices.If you or someone have further or any comments and advices,please, write to us!